

This website is created, operated, and maintained by JinenU. In light of this, JinenU has established this "Legal Statement and Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this statement or this privacy policy") and reminds you:

Before using this website, please read and fully understand this statement carefully. By confirming that you fully understand and agree, you can proceed to use this website. Anyone who enters this website, reads any content, downloads any materials from this website, or uses any information provided by this website indicates their agreement to comply with the following terms. These terms constitute an agreement between JinenU and you. If you do not agree to comply with these terms, do not use this website. JinenU has the right to update the following terms at any time without prior notice, and these updates will also bind you. At any time, under any circumstances, JinenU has the right to refuse any user access to and use of this website.

JinenU reserves the right to correct, modify, and update this statement at any time.

PartⅠ Legal Statement

Statement of Website Copyright

JinenU owns full copyright of all materials in the relevant pages of this website independently or jointly with the provider of the materials in the relevant pages of this website.

Without JinenU's explicit written permission, no one is allowed to copy or mirror any content on this website on servers not owned by JinenU. Without JinenU's prior written permission, no enterprise or individual is allowed to copy or disseminate the content in any form.

Any unauthorized use of this website will violate the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, as well as relevant international conventions.

Statement of Intellectual Property Protection

The views expressed or implied in the articles and materials reprinted on this website do not represent the views of JinenU.

If there is any copyright dispute regarding the information reprinted on this website, please contact us and provide the relevant supporting materials. We will handle it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations promptly upon receiving a qualified notice from the intellectual property rights holder.

Statement of Trademark and Domain Name

All JinenU’s logos and textual trademarks used on the JinenU website (www.jinenusolar.com or www.jinenusolar.cn) are registered trademarks or trademarks of JinenU in China and/or other countries. The domain name jinenusolar.com/jinenusolar.cn is owned by JinenU.

Without written authorization from JinenU, no unit or individual may use the aforementioned trademarks or domain names in any way.

Statement of Liability Limitation

We do not provide any explicit or implicit guarantees regarding the accuracy, timeliness, effectiveness, stability, availability, non-infringement of others' rights , etc. with respect to the content on this website. We do not guarantee the stability of the server, and we do not guarantee that you can browse, read, copy, or use this website at all times. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the text, graphics, materials, links, descriptions, statements, or other matters contained in the website content, nor do we guarantee the absence of errors in printing, copying, and other input. The "website operator" may change the content of this website at any time without notice, but does not guarantee timely updates when the content changes, nor does it guarantee notification to you upon updates.

By using this website's services, the user accepts all risks and consequences that may arise. In any case, this website shall not bear any legal responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental losses or loss caused to third parties (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of information and data, damage to property, etc.) caused by the use of the content of this website or inability to access this website.

JinenU is not responsible for the unavailability and incorrect use of this website and its contents.

In any situation, JinenU, as well as related parties, do not take any responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken based on the content of this website resulting from accessing or using this website. JinenU or any related parties are not liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, or other forms of loss, including but not limited to business interruption, data loss, or profit loss, resulting from accessing or using this website.

The links to third-party websites do not constitute our guarantee of those third-party websites. We are not responsible for the validity of these websites and their content. The risk of accessing these linked websites is borne by the user.

JinenU and its related parties are not responsible for any direct and indirect damages or losses caused by third parties using illegal means to gain access to the password, information and content of this website.

Statement of Links to This Website

If you would like to create a link to this website, please contact us. You may only link to this website after obtaining written permission from JinenU.

Once a link is established, JinenU reserves the right to revoke permission if JinenU deems it no longer appropriate based on objective circumstances.

When linking to this website, please make sure to use a text link (the use of JinenU’s logo and text in the link is prohibited without JinenU's written permission).The link to this website should be set to open in a new window and should not be displayed within the frame of the linking website.

Statement of Links to Other Websites

Any websites outside linked on this website are not under the management of JinenU. JinenU is not responsible for any damages that may occur from accessing other linked websites through JinenU’s website. When accessing linked websites, please follow the terms of use of the linked websites and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

JinenU only provides links to other websites for the convenience of access, not to promote the use of linked websites or the products/services they contain. This does not mean that JinenU has a special relationship or collaboration with the companies or individuals of the linked websites, nor does it mean that JinenU endorses or assumes responsibility for the content or use of other websites.

Use Statement of The Software Downloaded From This Site

If software is downloaded from this website, the software user must comply with all the license terms in the software license agreement that comes with the software. No one may download or install software from this website without reading and accepting all the terms of the software license agreement.

Disclaimer Statement Regarding Viruses

Statement of Virus Disclaimer

JinenU is not responsible for any virus infected by entering, using or browsing JinenU's website. JinenU is not responsible for any virus contracted by linking to third-party websites through JinenU's website.

